September 2023
Correction of grant issuance 🖋️
You can now correct any error made while registering a grant on Capdesk. The corrected grant details will be effective from the grant issuance date, the grantholder will be notified about the correction and you will see the change history in Capdesk.
You can find more information about this here.
CSOP / EMI limits 📈
This new feature focuses on two popular share plan schemes in the UK: the Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) plan and the Company Share Option Plan (CSOP). By offering comprehensive insights into the EMI or CSOP plans, you can now effortlessly track the issuance of equity and monitor the proximity to scheme-specific limits, saving time and minimising potential compliance risks.
This information will be located at the bottom-right hand side of the Dashboard page as the screenshot shows highlighted in red:
You will also be able to see a list of employees and how much they have been issued that are being counted towards the individual's limit as well as the company's limit. This support guide explains the feature in detail.
Advanced Cap table access 🔐
A new option part of the investor access settings which gives them advanced cap table access has been released.
You can find more details about it here.