You can now create a register of transfers in Carta.
Please ensure you have completed the Company Registers Set-up On Carta to successfully use the Register of Transfers.
If the share transfer is not yet registered on Carta, reflect the transaction before proceeding. The following actions are possible from the Register of transfers page:
Publishing The Transfers To The Register
1. Navigate to Company registers > Transfers > Pending
2. To publish the transfers in bulk or individually, click More > Publish transfers.
3. Select the transfers that you want to publish to the register and click Publish to register.
4. Confirm the date of entry as a member and Publish to register.
5. Click View register to return to the published register under Company registers > Transfers > Register of transfers.
Exporting The Transfers As An Excel File
1. Navigate to Company registers > Transfers > Register of transfers.
2. Click More and Export as XLSX