To export reports related to shares navigate to Shares > Reports. The reports available are:
Once requested, the report will be generated and sent to your email address within a few minutes. You can also download the report from the widget at the bottom right of Carta.
Please note that if you are not able to see all the details in the report, please click the Enable editing button in your Excel file.
Shareholder Overview Report
The shareholder overview will provide a list of all shareholders in your company. For each shareholder and share class, the list shows how many shares the shareholders hold. As a shareholder may own shares in multiple share classes, the same shareholder may occur many times throughout the list. When exporting it, you can include draft transactions, notes and ceased shareholders (shareholders that have sold all shares held).
This report will provide you with the following information:
Stakeholder details: Shareholder, Address, Email, Contact Email, Phone Number, Date Of Birth, Country;
- External ID (Column C): An external stakeholder ID is an ID registered for this stakeholder by your company, only if applicable. This information is inputted when creating the stakeholder, in the Advanced section.
- Registration Number (Column K): Applicable to non-individual stakeholders, a company's registration number is a unique identification of the company within a given country. This information is provided when creating the stakeholder.
- Personal ID (Column V): National identification number, national insurance number or social security number. Associated with individual stakeholders upon creation.
Transaction details: Share capital, Share capital currency, Latest registration date and Security type.
- Security Class (Column D): share class of the security, imputed while issuing the shares.
- Shares (Column E): quantity of shares issued to the shareholder.
- Cost: The cost of the transaction is often calculated as the quantity multiplied by the price per share. This field is automatically calculated if left empty. This information is inputted in the details section of the share issuance.
- Registered Date (Column P): The legal date of the purchase, inputted while issuing the share.
- Effective Date (of latest transaction) (Column R): The last date of the last transactions applied to this share issuance, such as adjustments or conversions, for example. If the only transaction is the issuance, this date will match the registered date.
Other details: Votes, Ceased Date (if Ceased), Ownership %, Legal Entity type, Is verified (KYC), Note.
- Pledges And Liens (Column U): This field is used to record any relevant stakeholder pledges or liens under the stakeholder details when creating a stakeholder.
- Status (Column X): active or ceased, if ceased shareholders were included when generating the report.
- On Carta (Column AA): yes or no, if the shareholder has created a Carta account.
Transaction History Report
The Transaction History is a complete export of all transactions of shares registered for your company on Carta today. The list has an entry per transaction, sorted by transaction date, specifying all important metrics on your transactions. You are able to include drafted transactions and revoked transactions.
In this report, you are able to include drafted transactions and revoked transactions.
This report will provide you with the following information:
- Buyer details: Name, Address, Email address.
- Seller details: Name, Address, Email, Share Class Name, Share Class, Share Numbers
Transaction details: Funding round, Payment Date, Share Class, Quantity
- Transactioned (Column A): The legal date of the purchase inputted while issuing the shares.
- Type (Column B): Issuance, cancellation, transfer, exercise or note conversion (published, drafted or revoked, if it has been revoked after publishing).
- Nominal Value and Nominal Value Currency (Columns E and F): The nominal value of one share of this class, as used for accounting and legal purposes, imputed when creating the share class.
- Price and Price Currency (Column J and K): the price per share, inputted when issuing the shares.
- Cost and Cost currency (Column L and M): the cost of the transaction is often calculated as the quantity multiplied by the price per share. This field is automatically calculated if left empty. This information is inputted in the details section of the share issuance.
- Published (Column U): date in which the transaction was published in Carta.
- Created (Column : date in which the transaction was inputted in Carta.
- Is SEIS (Column Y): Yes or no, investments in an unlisted company can be eligible for the SEIS tax relief. If the investor intends to seek tax relief under SEIS, mark the transaction as an SEIS transaction upon issuance.
- Is EIS (Column Z): Yes or no, investments in an unlisted company can be eligible for the EIS tax relief. If the investor intends to seek tax relief under EIS, mark the transaction as an EIS transaction upon issuance.
- Registration Date (Column V): this is the official date of entry into the shareholder register, imputed when issuing the shares.
- Certificate Number (Column AA): External certificate ID imputed during the issuance of the shares.
- Created (Column AD): Date the transaction was created in Carta.
- Updated (Column AE): Date the transaction was updated, if applicable.
Other details:
- Note (Column AB): field in the share issuance 'Detail' section to add extra relevant information regarding this transaction.
- Transaction accepted (Column AC): Yes or no, referring to if the holder has created a Carta account and accepted their investment.
- Imported (Column AF): if the security was originally uploaded into Carta via bulk issuance.