You can bulk correct errors made while registering draft share transactions.
These corrections will not trigger notifications to holders.
1. Navigate to Shares > Share transactions.
2. Click Bulk update > Correct share transactions issued offline.
3. Click Edit drafts.
4. Check the boxes for the transactions you want to modify and click Continue.
5. The selected transactions will be populated into a bulk modification file that can be exported by clicking Download file.
It will be made available to you through a modal in the bottom right-hand side of your page and via email.
6. Update the relevant information on the spreadsheet and save the file.
7. Click Upload file > Continue when you are ready to process the changes on the platform.
If there are any errors, Carta will provide you with a file detailing the errors and how to correct them.
8. To troubleshoot the file, look for the cells highlighted in red which will contain comments that will help correct the error.
9. Once uploaded, review the number of corrected transactions and click Save changes.