Describing the main sections located on the upper right handle of your Carta account.
After signing up to Carta, it is possible to track your registered holdings. The information below is intended to explain some of the account properties and help you populate information in the account settings. The following sections will be explored:
Clicking the Holdings tab will direct you to the investor dashboard in which is possible to find the summary of the shareholdings at a company.
Please note this tab will only be displayed if you are a stakeholder at a company. Find more about the Investor Dashboard here.
Click Grants to access the employee dashboard. Similarly to the investor dashboard, the employee dashboard provides an overview of the grantholdings at a company.
Like the Holdings tab, Grants will only be displayed if you are a grantholder at a company. If you hold shares and grants, both tabs will be displayed. Find more about the Employee Dashboard here.
The portfolio page will show a summary of the shareholdings at companies in a different way.
Clicking on each dropdown will list the issuances and clicking the issuances will show all transactions related to it.
Click Administered to access your company dashboard in case you are a company admin.
The Tasks tab will show as pending tasks you might have on your Carta account such as share acceptances, option grants that need to be accepted/signed, etc.
Clicking the Documents tab will redirect you to the documents page that will contain all documents related to your transactions (if uploaded by the issuing company) and also any company updates shared.
If you are a stakeholder in different companies, click the dropdown to select between the companies.
User preferences
Click the silhouette icon and then User preferences to access the personal settings settings of your account.
From this page it is possible to enable a 2FA authenticator method.
Click Carta account to change your password and/or add multiple emails to the account.