Easily keep track of the investors who have not yet signed up on Carta.
- Inviting new stakeholders to Carta
- Customizing stakeholders invitations
- Tracking stakeholders invitations
- Re-inviting stakeholders
Inviting New Stakeholders to Carta
Invitations are sent automatically to your stakeholders when you publish their first issuance (transaction). Clicking Publish and notify shareholder will trigger the invitation.
Customizing Stakeholders Invitations
It is possible to edit some parts of the email invitations the investors will receive.
1. Navigate over to Settings > Email templates to see a list of templates that can be customized.
2. Click the Actions Button on the far right hand side and select Edit.
3. Make the edits and click Save.
Tracking Stakeholders Invitations
1. Navigate to Stakeholder management > Stakeholders.
2. Click Invitations > Statistics to see a list with all invites sent by date.
3. Click the CSV link for more details.
Re-inviting Stakeholders
Carta allows you to re-invite individual shareholders or send a bulk invite to all who have not yet signed up.
1. Navigate to Stakeholder management > Stakeholders.
2. Click Invitations and click Reinvite all.
This will re-invite all stakeholders at once.
3. To re-invite stakeholders individually, click the actions button on the far right hand side and select Reinvite stakeholder.
4. It is also possible to re-invite stakeholders from the Cap table page. Navigate to Ownership > Cap table.
5. Click the stakeholder to be re-invited. This will open a side drawer. Click More > Reinvite stakeholder.
Please note, you can only reinvite stakeholders that are not "On Carta" |