It is possible to open exercise windows and terminate option grants and warrants for more than one grant/grantholders.
- Opening an exercise window
- Terminating grants and opening an exercise window
- Marking requests as paid
- Publishing paid exercises
Before creating an exercise window you will need to:
- Add the relevant exercise notice template on Carta. Please note your account will also need to be live to create an exercise window on Carta.
- Select the default signatory (the person who will publish the exercises on behalf of the company).
Opening an Exercise Window
For the purpose of this article, we will use option grants as an example, but the flow is also applicable to warrants.
1. Navigate to Equity Awards > Options > Online Exercises.
2. Click Manage Exercises > Open exercise window.
3. Select the grants by clicking the checkboxes and click Continue.
4. Fill out the required information (marked with a red asterisk) and click Open exercise window.
An email notification will automatically be sent to the selected stakeholders to log in to their Carta account and submit their exercise.
Terminating Grants and Opening an Exercise Window
1. Navigate to Equity Awards > Options > Online Exercises.
2. Click Manage Exercises > Open exercise window.
3. Select the grants by clicking the checkboxes and click Continue.
4. Enter the required information (marked with a red asterisk) and click Start grant termination.
Marking Requests as Paid
Once the grantholders have submitted their exercise, signed the relevant documents and paid for the exercise, you will be able to bulk Mark as paid and Publish.
1. Navigate to Equity Awards > Options > Online Exercises and click Manage exercises > Confirm payments.
2. Select the exercise orders you want to mark as paid and click Continue.
3. Add the payment date that will apply to all exercise request and click Confirm payments.
4. Click Back to Online exercises once the confirmation is completed.
Publishing Paid Exercises
With the exercises marked as paid, it is now time to publish the transactions.
1. Navigate to Equity Awards > Options > Online Exercises.
2. Click Publish paid exercises.
3. Select the exercises to publish and click Continue.
4. Confirm the information and click Publish paid transactions.