Export and download HMRC filings for your EMI , CSOP and Unapproved plans.
With a just a few clicks, you can generate and download your filing to submit it to the HMRC. Carta generates an .ods file which is currently the format accepted by the HMRC:
EMI Notification
An EMI Notification (EMI1) must be filed to HMRC within 92 days of the date of grant under Schedule 5 Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003. If it was granted on or after 6 April 2024, you must tell HMRC about this on or before 6 July following the end of the tax year in which the grant is made, per HMRC's guidance as of 4 March 2024.
You can export an EMI Notification and it will contain EMI grants that have yet to be notified. The filing is generated using the HMRC template, filled with the data of each of your un-notified EMI grants.
You can use our Compliance Centre in order to be reminded of when to generate and file your EMI Notification.
1. Navigate to Compliance > Filings > HMRC.
2. Click Generate Filing > EMI Notification.
3. Carta will show you a guide of the filing process. Click Next to proceed.
4. Complete the appropriate information and click Generate report.
- Plan - Select one of the EMI Plans you have in the platform.
- From Date - The start date of the period you want to generate the filing for.
- End Date - The end date of the period you want to generate the filings for.
- Include transactions in draft - Include in the filing any EMI options that might not have been published and are kept in draft.
Please note that you cannot generate a report that comprises multiple tax years. A tax year runs from April 6 to April 5 of the following year.
6. The report will be sent to your email and can also be downloaded at the bottom-right corner of the page. Click Back to HMRC Filings to find the report along with the other filings you generated.
Please note that if any required data is missing, Carta will mark the cells of the report with #!VALUE. You can add the missing data in the platform and regenerate the report so the information is properly completed.
7. In the filings page, click the Actions Button to either Mark as Filed or Delete it.
8. When marking a report as filed complete with the Date of filing and HMRC reference code you received upon submission and click Mark as Filed.
9. In case the HMRC rejects your filing, you can also Mark as Rejected .
Please note that you can only mark a report as Rejected if they had been marked as Filed previously.
Annual Returns Filings
The Annual Returns is a compulsory filing that must be delivered to the HMRC on or before 6 July in a tax year. The Annual Return lists all relevant changes regarding your EMI, CSOP and Unapproved schemes within the tax year. You can generate the EMI Annual Return, CSOP Annual Return and Other ERS Annual Return in Carta.
You can use our Compliance Centre in order to be reminded of when to generate and file your returns.
1. Before generating an Annual Return, Update the company's PAYE Reference number in Legal Details.
2. Navigate to Compliance > Filings > HMRC.
3. Click Generate Filing > Select one of the Annual Returns listed.
4. Carta will show you a guide of the filing process. Click Next to proceed.
5. Complete the following information and click Generate report.
- Plan - Select one of the EMI Plans you have in the platform.
- From Date - The start date of the period you want to generate the filing for.
- End Date - The end date of the period you want to generate the filings for.
- Include transactions in draft - Include in the filing any transactions that might not have been published and are kept in draft.
6. The report will be sent to your email and can also be downloaded at the bottom-right corner of the page. Click Back to HMRC Filings to find the report along with the other filings you generated.
Please note that if any required data is missing, Carta will mark the cells of the report with #!VALUE. You can add the missing data in the platform and regenerate the report so the information is properly completed.
7. In the filings page, click on the Actions Button to either Mark as Filed or Delete it.
8. When marking a report as filed complete with the Date of filing and HMRC reference code you received upon submission and click Mark as Filed.
9. In case the HMRC rejects your filing, you can also Mark as Rejected .
Please note that you can only mark a report as Rejected if they had been marked as Filed previously.
Please note, Carta will not submit either of these documents to HMRC on your behalf. You will need to generate the form, verify the content and submit to the HMRC. |