You can sign share certificates online, with Carta.
Share certificates can also be generated and watermarked.
Before starting to sign share certificates, make sure that:
- A DocuSign Account is connected - it can be Carta's DocuSign (default) or you can link your own Docusign account.
- Assigning signatories.
Furthermore, you will see:
- Signing Share Certificates.
- What happens to the signed share certificate when the shareholders' holdings change.
Signing Share Certificates
The share certificates will need to be generated before they can be signed.
1. Navigate to Ownership > Shares > Certificates.
2. Click the Actions Button located on the right-hand side of the share certificate and click Send for signing.
3. Click the Actions Button once again and click Review and sign.
4. In DocuSign, click Continue.
5. Enter the witness information, if applicable, and click Continue.
6. Click Sign and enter the signature recorded in DocuSign.
7. Click Finish.
8. The witness should now enter their information in DocuSign and finish the process on their end.
Please note that the share certificate will only be issued after the witness signs. |
8. To view the share certificate, click the certificate number to pull the right drawer and View share certificate.
What happens to the signed share certificate when the shareholders' holdings change
If at another point in time, the shareholders transfer some of their shares or they are issued more shares of the same share class, the existing share certificate will need to be cancelled and a new one will need to be issued and signed.
For example, the shareholder has been issued 80 shares and the corresponding certificate has been signed.
The shareholder has now been issued a further 100 shares. We can see that we now have a share certificate of 180 (calculated by adding the new 100 shares issuance by the previous 80 holdings) in a registered status. This sits alongside the previously signed certificate.
Once the new generated certificate showing the consolidated shares is signed, the previous share certificate will automatically be cancelled and removed from the list on the Certificates page.
It is possible however, to check the cancelled certificates by clicking Include Cancelled.